Gas Washer | Boilermaking and Machining
With our Boilermaking and Machining services, we can manufacture and develop a Gas / Smoke Washer, which consists of air pollution control equipment, caused by various chemical processes or burning of materials that generate polluting gases that need to be purified before released into the environment. Bomval's gas / smoke scrubber acts through the washing process, where particles present in the smoke are forced to pass between droplets with counterflow, which are sprayed into tubular sections. The gases come into contact with spray jets in the form of a cone generated by spray nozzles with six outlets, in order to design the jet maximizing the scope and increasing the efficiency, with pre-determined flow and speed, undergoing a kind of washing purifying the gas which is released after this process, this causes these pollutant particles to be carried away by the fluid and neutralized. The Bomval gas / smoke washer has layers filled with pall ring rings, supported by a retention grid, increasing the contact area for washing the gases. Gas / smoke washer manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, guarantees a longer useful life of the equipment, being able to be used in kitchens, laboratory chapels, ovens and others. Protection of the environment is a commitment of all companies. It is worth remembering that in addition to contributing to air pollution and increased temperatures in cities and urban centers, gases have a harmful effect on health. Thus, the adhesion of the smoke washer project is indispensable for all segments, so that they are not in disagreement with rules and regulations.
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